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Monday, March 28, 2011

This is Amazing!! I just added an old T shirt to a mixed media abstract painting

Welcome to the No Limits Art blog. This blog is about inspiration, bringing together artists and art lovers from all over. A place to share ideas, thoughts, feelings or anything you want to talk about that is related to art. More than that though, it is about taking art to new horizons, new heights! Seeing that there truly is no limit to what art is, or where you can take it. There are many things that have been tried, but there are also many ideas that are yet to be thought of. By sharing our ideas we can help one another grow as artists, redefining what art is and the many possibilities. By sharing our ideas we can grow as art lovers as well, forming new understandings of the art and the artists themselves. Lastly by bringing together our art hearts and brains we might show someone that has never had an interest in art, that it is something they will love for life as well.

Passion is probably the most important part to art, whether you be the artist or the spectator. To truly appreciate color, shape, texture and meaning of art; one must be passionate. Otherwise it be a painting that is hardly noticed, the fine details overlooked, and the thoughts of its meaning or motivations of the artist passed by.

Once I became a painter I started noticing paintings everywhere I went. Not only the paintings of art that I would see in galleries popping out everywhere. Or the paintings at locals restaurants, but I could almost really see paintings in the horizon, or just looking at certain things in real life. Like a kid sitting on a bench, or an old shed sitting crooked in a golden yellow field. I am not sure that I saw life that way before I actually picked up a paint brush for fun at the ripe age of 32. Late bloomer maybe, but definitely making up for it now. It truly did change my perspective in many ways, as it is never too late to start something and you never know what you may be good at unless you try. I for one, once I did try. Not only did I find something I was decent at, and at very least could decorate my house in a interesting bright way. Most importantly I found something I absolutely love. Art is something I will pass on to my son and something I want to share with everyone who is interested.

Art can also be rewarding. I think it is very important in life to give back, and especially helping those in need. So one thing I do is volunteer and sponsor a really great little kid that I mentor. A couple months ago I introduced him to painting at age 7. I was not exactly sure how he would take to it, but he actually loved it and even ended up doing a lot of art on his own time. Always asking me, when is the next time we can paint and do artwork. At this point in my life I can only speculate how he will be as he becomes a teenager and young man. But things are looking good and I am hopeful his art can be a foundation to help him explore his creative mind, being aware first and foremost he can create!

I am not sure about anyone else reading this blog, I can only speak for myself. I truly am most satisfied in life and in my work when I am creating something. It doesn't seem to matter nearly as much what I am creating, as long as I am creating something. That is one of the most satisfying parts of art, that when you are done you have this finished product. Something that was created, and put together into something as unique as you.

So with that, help me cultivate thought in regards to visual arts. I do abstract because I can't draw for the life of me, but this blog is about all types of visual art. Photography, realism, paintings, mixed media, impressionism, expressionism, sculpting, and maybe even some digital. Why not integrate digital art into a mixed media canvass? hmmmmm

Actually another good idea and something cool, would be to take some old fashion film that you do not care of or need the prints on, and take some spools of that and plaster it into a canvass, bits of news paper, wala! Or however you spell that, please feel free to correct me I need to know!

I look forward to hearing from some art brains out there! Feel free to start up a topic to discuss.

One thing I am curious about. Who is the greatest artist who has ever lived? And why?


  1. I just wanted to share my latest inspirations and ideas for all the artists and art lovers out there. I went to the dollar store the other day, sometimes you can get some great deals there. However you must be careful. Walking through the aisles of cheap products, it hit me. What a great inexpensive place to get things for my mixed media art. I found all sorts of fabrics, charms and different items I could use for texture in my paintings! You can cover almost anything with paint and texture. I was amazed at all the odds and ends that could so easily be integrated into a painting. Even breaking some cheap colored glass, can add amazing texture to abstract art or even realism such as a landscape or mountain scene giving it a depth and richness that is out of this world. Thats my two cents for the day! Thanks for visiting my blog. I would love to hear from you.

  2. Zachary,
    I appreciated your post on CL to generate some networking and promote your work. The piece you have posted here is very vibrant and dynamic. Great color!
    I have done the ab/ex style for a while but keep returning to black and white gestural realism.
    Greatest artist? I'm not sure about the question...been to a lot of int'l museums and taken a lot of art history classes where you learn about all of the "great' work in all of the 'great' museums but that didn't really satisfy. For me, the question is what artist's work hits me? I've got a few: Georges Rouault, Joan Mitchell, a chinese painter I saw in a college show 20 yrs ago that I've not been able to ID (he was doing gestural works of the underground city excavation in China) to name a few. Similar to you, I'm really taken by local art at coffee houses, etc. Hell, I really liked a mass duplicated painting of a bird I just saw at a World Market in Chicago last weekend. Greatest? For me, most touching or impacting is another way to phrase the question, not that you asked! Rouault is a French painter from the 1920s that has certainly achieved greatness and is very impacting personally. Joan Mitchell is an expressive painter from the 50s generation I've always liked but don't know if she's great. If I could find out who the Chinese painter I saw 20 years ago is I'd likely vote for them as number on skill and impacting; kind of work that made me want to laugh and cry at the same time it was so fantastic.

  3. Hey there Hugh,

    Thanks for taking the time to post on my blog. I am glad you like my art. That is one of my favorite paintings I've done. It was a oil that I just drug a 4" brush lightly across the top. I would love to see some of your work too, black and white it actually one of my favorite styles of art. I want to get more into black and white myself.

    I actually really like Joan Mitchel's work. I absolutely love "rian" and can identify with her style. So I think she could be great! I had never heard of Georges Rouault before, but I just googled him and very interesting work. Seems kind of dark, yet very intriguing.

    That would be interesting to see that underground city excavation in China, by the way you describe it, it sounds incredibly moving. Is there a way to see it? I imagine not though given what you said.

    The question about the greatest artist is kind of a trick question, I personally do not think you can define art or art that way. I believe all artists are great in their own unique way. I do have my favorites too though. It is great to get inspirations from other artists, I know for myself it helps me be more creative.

    Thanks for sharing Hugh, keep us updated! Would love to see some of your work as well.
