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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The therapy of art

Art truly is therapeutic in so many ways. How it can reach inside of you and change your being. Whether it be music, visual art, performing arts. Art is one thing that makes life spectacular and transforms it from ordinary to extraordinary. 

Life is art, everywhere you look, everything you see. Art is in the eye of the beholder. To see art in nature, to see art in words, to see beautiful art in love. A love so deep it is like the grandest of all paintings. Art lovers and artists alike can appreciate the endless variations of art between cultures, eras and individuals.

Ultimately art can be healing. Not only can it help stimulate thought and emotion, but it can provide comfort and sometimes even clarity. If you haven't recently tried to create any art, please go make something beautiful and unique and share it with the world! There can never be too much art, and always be skeptical of people that condemn art of any type. As the art of a young child, be as beautiful to the eyes as any; no matter it's aesthetic qualities.

Art can be fun, it can help you smile more. Art can make a stranger smile more too! Art isn't any cure to a disease but it is shown people with lower stress can potentially live longer. Seems almost like common sense.

All children love art. It feels good to make a child smile! A child's face is artwork. A child's eyes and mind are art as well.

Maybe the child in us all is an artist just waiting to come out. Find out today, you never know how it could change your life. Or more importantly the life of someone else.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oil Pastel Crayons - Mixed Media

One of my favorite techniques when creating unique abstract art is using oil pastel crayons over acrylic. Especially if the acrylic has texture to it, or is even mixed media. It's really simply just to draw over the painting with oil pastel, it can create such vibrant shades and texture. Adding a whole new dimension to the piece.

This "Autumn Moon" was my first mixed media in which I tried this technique. I think it came out pretty good, however this photo does not do justice to the true depth and uniqueness of this painting.

Below "Crescent Fall" is another favorite that really shows how you can create some cool patterns and textures that you would not get using paint. Blending the acrylic and pastel entangles them creating something that looks like opposing medians fighting for the surface.

This is a fun little video of my lil boy having fun learning to paint!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Art and giving back! They have a lot in common.

One of the best things I have ever done is volunteer to be a Big Brother through the BBBS Foundation. It has been such a rewarding experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. My "little", that is what they are called through the program, and I am the "big" . We have become so close and have so much fun together. He often just calls to say hi or tell me how he is doing in school. He gets so excited to spend time together and it really feels in many ways as though we are brothers, and I would say we really are.

I am sure you have at least heard of the program, it is pretty well known. At any rate, what a great thing to do and way to have fun doing art with someone who is just exploring life. My little is only 7 years old, but what a truly great kid that is full of love and inspiration. We get together a few times a month, gone to Boondocks fun center, fishing, hiking, art galleries, the zoo, the park, you name it!

Art is now something that he loves as well. He even got his own easel for Christmas!

I really see the essence of art in a child. This is now something he truly loves and can take with him for the rest of his life. For whatever reason, I didn't realize I was passionate about art until well into being an adult.

I can only think I may have had more interest in it at a younger age if I had been exposed to it more.

Art is best when shared and you never know whose life you may change for the better, just by sharing it. 

So go on! Share some art! Here or anywhere!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Turkey Baster Art!

I know it sounds funny but you can even make art with a turkey baster! 

One thing about art, is that the colors are already beautiful without the artist. You can make amazing creations just by bringing together beauty that already exists. And there are many, many ways to do that; a turkey baster is just one of them.

For those that are wondering what in the world I am talking about. It's simple. 

First you get your paint, typically watering down so you can suck it up with the turkey baster or even plastic squirt bottles. You can fill multiple bottles so you can have a wide array of colors to work with. Then it is up to you to get the creative juices flowing. Since I personally don't do any realism I just start dripping paint every which way until something looks cool. Many times you may have to paint over it if you do not like the initial painting. It can get murky if you blend too may colors at once, so pace yourself and have fun with it.

You can even do great impressionistic art as well with drip paintings. Mountains, flowers, rolling meadows. There really is no limit to it and I think some of the best drip work is completely random. Anyone else do any drip types of paintings or have interest in it at all? Look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

These are a few of my favorite pieces that I did.

This is "Firefly Night" It is a drip painting that I actually used a turkey baster to drip the paint down with. FUN!

This is "Vibrant Life" You would have to see in person to really appreciate. I used tons of molding compound and past to really give it texture.

This is simply acrylic on canvass, just love the tribal look though. "Jive Jungle"

Feel free to leave any opinions on my art or upload your art! I love feed back and wont get my feelings hurt. I actually appreciate constructive criticism, it helps us grow. On the flip side though, if you like it I love to know that too!

Please please share your work too! It is easy to upload a pic, I love seeing all the fun stuff artists all over are creating.